Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.
— Matthew 25:40
Dedicated servant leaders, guiding Grace in faith, care, and support.
Moderator, Ilene Wieder (end of term May 2025)
Care Team, Dee Davis-Fellin (end of term May 2025)
Care Team, Darla Stickman (end of term May 2025)
Mission & Services, Jim Hapgood (end of term May 2027)
Mission & Services, Nan Windle (end of term May 2025)
Membership, Tracy Brenner (end of term May 2027)
Membership, Joyce Franklin (end of term May 2027)
Welcome & Hospitality, Cindy Medina (end of term May 2025)
Welcome & Hospitality, Not filled
Clerk of Session, Kathy Nabors (end of term May 2025)
Administrative, Dave Trefz (end of term May 2025)
Worship, Val Myers (end of term May 2025)
Outreach, Scott Leaper (end of term May 2026)
Human Resources, Diane Gustte (end of term May 2025)
Wisdom & Wellness, Kim Dwyer (end of term May 2025)
Family Formation, Kip Entzel (end of term May 2027)
Nominating, Steve Wiedenbeck (end of term May 2027)
Are you interested in learning more about becoming an Elder or a Deacon?
Email Steve Wiedenbeck: